Because we live on a college campus, many of our neighbors are in the process of moving. We have been blessed to be able to stay here over the summer, but I have found myself feeling envious of our neighbors' chance to sort/throw out, etc. while moving. So, I thought I would spring clean!
Although it has taken much longer than I would prefer, I am loving it! I have found about an hour a day that I can work on a closet or cabinet. Slow and steady wins the race! One of my favorite projects was giving our book shelf a face lift. With only two bedrooms in our place, our room serves a bed-room, baby nursery, office, library, 'cold storage', and much more. Needless to say, it is not oozing with style! I saw a design show where they sorted all of the books in a room by color, so I thought I would give it a try.
The result is one of my favorite face-lifts ever...and it was FREE! (Since I neglected to take a before picture, I am including a picture of our other book shelf which has not been overhauled:))
Faux Before
Fantastic After!
Even with all of my love for the new look, the best part came a few days after the project. The shelf at j* eye level includes a Bible and Book of Mormon. While he was checking out that shelf, he found both. He grabbed them, put them on the bed, and said, "Mom, read me the scwiptures, pwease!" How could I pass up that kind of request! We had a great time reading several favorite verses and talking about how much God loves us! Gotta love how organization and de-cluttering bring peace and clarity to our lives!
alright, that's no joke. that looks amazing!!!!!! you should teach a class
Wow, who knew that organizing books by color would look so good! I'm gonna do that for my book shelf now. Can't wait to get started.
Well done, sista! If you find a few books you can list on Amazon then it's even a better feeling: cash in your pocket:)
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