14 June 2009

As Promised...

...pics of the boys! Enjoy.


Nathan and Whitney said...

They have the same big blue eyes!! Soooo cute!

Kelly said...

I love the pictures! Those boys are so cute! I think it's because they have such a cute aunt!
-Kelly Hurt

malibumoons said...

My favorite is the one of Jacob with the little smirk on his face. They are so adorable. Thanks for sharing.

~ kietra ~ said...

They are so cute! I bet they are best buds!!! Both boys look like a really good mix of you two.

Mary Postert said...

Finally. Now I'll actually recognize them when we come out to visit next month. Adorable.

jenn said...

They are adorable! How fun..a mini Joey and a mini Tiff! xoxo

Kerri said...

Oh man, we can't wait to get to interact with those two cuties!

Carol and Tyler said...

ADORABLE! I love the shot of Jacob looking from the side of his eyes...if that doesn't say a million things, I don't know what does!

J-Lo said...

too precious! Can't wait to see them in person again.

Pace & Gwen said...

So CUTE!! They're getting so big, and your newest little guy has such a beautiful face!! They're both adorable, guys! Sweet kids!!

mamma mia said...

Cute pictures. Can't wait to give you all a big hug! Good Luck with that mopping thing. I use vinegar and a couple drops of dish soap and it seems to clean it up the best. love tons!!

Noel said...

Love it! So many of Jacob's "faces" are familiar to me... Tyson does the same ones. And LUKE is sooo darling. I see a bit more Costley in him.. Way to go GIRL!

Sean, Em and Milo Volk said...

I might have already commented on these... but what the hey - they are too cute not to say anything! Hope you guys are well! Em