08 June 2009

To mop or not to mop? That is the question.

It is June! How does that happen? (I plan to post pictures of our growing boys soon, I promise.)

True confession: mopping is one of my least favorite household chores. Not so much because of the back breaking work involved, but more because the floor still doesn't feel clean after that back breaking! Does anyone else have this problem?

Here is my situation: Luke is a few months away from crawling. Of our 600 sq. ft., I guess that 150 of it is a type of linoleum. I usually use the vacuum or broom to get up the dirt. Then I use a sponge mop and a bucket with a little bit of Mr. Clean. Like I said, it just doesn't seem to be clean, even after a few passes.

What works for you? Is hands and knees the only way to really get it clean? Please tell me there is a better option! Do the Swiffer mops work well enough to outweigh the expense? Can't wait to glean your tips!


Smith Family said...

I use the purple Swiffer and am happy with it. I always have coupons to use and honestly don't use it that often. Since I'm not a fan of mopping either, the idea of just sticking a pad on it and then throwing it away when I'm done it worth the cost. Good luck!

Mary Postert said...

For such a small area, I would use the Swiffer. I use it in our bathroom and it seems to work fine. When you get to a place that has more space to mop, go with the Scooba. There is no back breaking involved.

Kerri said...

I'm a swiffer fan and don't throw away the pads nearly as often as they ask (tight wad much). Cory doesn't love them--says they don't pick up enough. I told him that's why you sweep first :)

Carol and Tyler said...

I agree with the bro, there is still residue after the swiffer. I saw an infomercial for the Shark the other day- steam cleaner- I think that would do the trick. Let's invest and pass it back and forth :)

Kasey Later said...

I'm a hands and knees kind of girl. (I'm sure it's hard to believe when you think back on my Victoria Place cleaning!) I also have the wet Swiffer & use it when I'm not in the mood for hands and knees. But I really feel the only way to get it clean is with good old elbow grease. I'm just holding out for when I can pay my kids to scrub the floor! Good luck!

Diane Dickenson said...

Buy a bulldog...they can cover a lot of area in a very short time :)

Kelly said...

I use the Shark Steam Mop. I got it for our wedding. I love it! It uses steam which makes it feel clean and not sticky. Plus I love watching the steam puff out. Also Its not a lot of work. I would be great for mopping a small spot. Just fill with water, plug it in, wait about 30 seconds and go. No buckets, no squeezing out water, and no cleaner to buy! I love it!

Kelly said...

I realized my name doesn't post. The steam mop comment was from me. - Kelly Hurt

Jana said...

I like the swiffer wetjet. it works pretty well and i feel like the floor is clean after. but it's one of my least favorite chores, too

jenn said...

Okay, this is a bit delayed but I've tried it all too. Yeah, not a fan of the Swiffer and depending on your floors the Shark vac leaves steaks. We have the faux wood stuff. I have also gone back to good old vinegar and water. Any time you use soap and any is left behind it is a dirt magnet. We have a spray bottle of diluted vinegar (you can use lemon juice alongside for the smell too...look online for'recipes').So I spray then mop with rags...simply cut up old towels etc. i use a reguar mop to mop with the rag. Every so often I change out the rag as needed. Works like a charm. I can wash and reuse the rags, don't have soap residue and don't have to deal with the whole bucket thing. I still don't love mopping though :)