19 July 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

What would summer time be without a couple good baseball games?!? Well, for me, it would still be a great summer. But for J* it would be incomplete. The boys have been able to enjoy two major league games with us. Both times we were allowed onto the field to watch fireworks after! Pretty sweet!
Go D-Backs!
Hanging out in the dugout at Bank One Ballpark
Can you say, "All you can eat?" Right field bleachers at Dodger Stadium
Enjoying fireworks laying in outfield at Dodger Stadium

This is our version of a summer on steroids without the 50 game suspension.
Sorry Manny, we love you, but you're not top on our list of role models.


Nathan and Whitney said...

We love the All-You-Can-Eat Pavillion! Totally fun! Glad to see your summer is going well!

Carol and Tyler said...

Woah there skipper. Throwing out the sports lingo like a true baseball fan?! Way to GO sister! Thanks for the photos!!

Mary Postert said...

Um, you could have at least cropped out my pasty white legs. lol. We had a great time with you guys. Thanks again!

Sheri N. said...

Whoa! Taylor and I are totally jealous. How did you get VIP passes? You lucky dogs!

J-Lo said...

Yeah, I echo Carol's sentiments. Are you sure Joey didn't write that last paragraph? And who the heck is Manny???:)