04 November 2007

While Jacob Was Sleeping...

One of Pepperdine Law School's traditions is the Barrister's Ball (essentially a big party on a yacht). We figured you don't get do something like that everyday, so a friend came over to listen to Jacob sleeping, and we had a hot date on a yacht! It was pretty fun to get all dressed up. We learned a few things about a party on a yacht. #1-You can't get off at 11 p.m. when the tired parent in you starts to think, "Jacob is going to be up at 6 a.m. regardless of when I go to bed!" #2 A party on a yacht is a great idea #3 A 'dry' party on a yacht would be even more fun #4The open air top deck provides an awesome view of the marina and the L.A. sky line #5 Jacob really is going to wake up at 6 a.m. #6 The higher the deck, the farther away from the diesel fumes (so if you ever have the chance to party on a yacht, choose the upper decks)
It was a lot of fun, and we are grateful to our friends for helping us out with the crazy timing!
p.s. Don't worry, the blanket is not suffocating him. It's the camera angle! Jacob is a pretty busy body during the day, but he sure knows how to relax at night! We always love finding his feet up on the bumper when we go in to check on him.


Mary Postert said...

Love the picture with Jacob's feet propped up. Glad you guys got to go out.

Lacy Rane said...

Yeah . . . what a great blog!! I am so glad you have jumped on the "blogging band wagon". It's just such a great way to stay in the loop!

I CANNOT believe how big Jacob is! I hardly even recognize him . . . well, not really, but he looks so much older with teeth and hair! What a doll (if you can call boys that)!

And what a fun date. Scott and I went on a yacht date in Hawaii when we were still just dating and it is still one of my favorites. I'm glad you guys are enjoying being close to the ocean.

P.S. Did I tell you we found out we are having another GIRL?!? We are very excited.

Pace & Gwen said...

That is the neatest! How FUN!! Don't think UofA will offer any yacht parties, do you? That is really neat, though. And Sydney sleeps with a blanket over her head. In fact, we know when she's tired because she'll walk around the house with her blankie over her head like a ghost/obi 1 kanobe. I can't get enough of their little fun behaviors.