14 June 2009

As Promised...

...pics of the boys! Enjoy.

08 June 2009

To mop or not to mop? That is the question.

It is June! How does that happen? (I plan to post pictures of our growing boys soon, I promise.)

True confession: mopping is one of my least favorite household chores. Not so much because of the back breaking work involved, but more because the floor still doesn't feel clean after that back breaking! Does anyone else have this problem?

Here is my situation: Luke is a few months away from crawling. Of our 600 sq. ft., I guess that 150 of it is a type of linoleum. I usually use the vacuum or broom to get up the dirt. Then I use a sponge mop and a bucket with a little bit of Mr. Clean. Like I said, it just doesn't seem to be clean, even after a few passes.

What works for you? Is hands and knees the only way to really get it clean? Please tell me there is a better option! Do the Swiffer mops work well enough to outweigh the expense? Can't wait to glean your tips!