10 February 2008

Vitamin D

Warning: If you live in a cold or overcast climate please know that this post is not designed to make you feel bad. We just thought it might give you a few more reasons to plan a visit:)

One of the aspects of life in California we love is the sun shine. Although it has been 'cool' here lately, we have had plenty of time to get outside and stock up on our Vitamin D. A few of our favorite outings include:
trips to the beach (Jacob loves to just wade in a little water and walk around in the sand),
outings to the park (where Jacob even got a ride in a mini-Escalade...pics to come later),
and bubbles on the porch.

Here are a few pics for you to enjoy! Whenever you want to stock up on your Vitamin D, we would love to see you. (That includes you Aunt CoCoa)

Lounging after the beach! With the keys (another one of Jacob's favorite things)


J-Lo said...

Nice strategic cropping of that last "loungin" photo. Jacob will appreciate your discretion when he's older:) Any way to package that sunshine and send it our way?

Carol and Tyler said...

that's a true photographer's eye...thanks for the shout out!! I'll have to get a picture with the little Spryer so I can really live in infamy!! Or eternal glory...whatever :)

Jillsywillsy said...

If I for instance, were to be in the LA area for work, could I come stock up on some vitamin D with you?

Kerri said...

Mmmm...goood...vitamin D...need...to...get...some. Cutie-pie Jacob!!

Sean, Em and Milo Volk said...

Jacob is such a doll-face - I love his big smile! We miss you! EM

malibumoons said...

Those are some way cute pics! Can't wait till it gets even warmer so we can go to the beach more often.

Pace & Gwen said...

Fun outings! I am jealous, and so is Sydney. :)