28 January 2008

Free Zoo

Jacob and I love to go to the park with our friends, and a few weeks ago we were there with our friends Elijah and Rachel. Elijah and Jacob saw some birds, and I mentioned to Rachel that I think Jacob might enjoy a zoo now that he seems to be more able to find animals (as long as they are moving)! That's when Rachel suggested a fantastic idea...try a trip to PetCo (aka a free zoo of sorts)

Here's a shot of Elijah and Jacob enjoying the rodent section.

We saw guinea pigs, rats, mice, gold fish, all kinds of fish, parakeets, other birds, and Jacob's favorite...an ELMO fish tank (without any fish in it, of course).

It was a great outing, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a trip to the zoo without the cost and the all-day commitment.


Kerri said...

That's hilarious!! Just don't let him talk you into getting "two female hampsters." Lots of loves!

J-Lo said...

And if you jostle the stroller while you're walking down the aisles you can have a free roller coaster ride while at the free zoo! I think you're on to something.

Sean, Em and Milo Volk said...

Tiff! I love that idea! We took Milo to the zoo, he didn't get it... maybe in a few more months! Em

Mary Postert said...

What a great idea! Remind me about that when I have kids.

Pace & Gwen said...

I love it! And the "zoo" is up close and personal. They'll even let him touch the animals :) I bet he loves it!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the idea! i took ocean and canon to petco yesterday and they loved it. fish, birds, rodents, lizards, snakes, turtles, what more could they ask for! and no crowds or bright sun. love it.

malibumoons said...

How fun! I haven't seen Elijah and Rachel for a long time. We should all go do something some day. I have been wanting to go a a free zoo with Kiersch for a while.