16 February 2008


My cousin Trisha first introduced me to the idea of using sign language to help your baby communicate, and I loved the idea. So, I have been using basic signs with Jacob since he was about 6 months old. Until a few months ago, it was basically just that, me signing and Jacob watching. I was about to give up when seemingly overnight he started using a bunch of the signs. It has been so great for him to be able to tell us when he wants more, or is done, or if he wants milk, etc. (We started with signs about food). Anway, I totally recommend baby signing to everyone! I love the perk of being able to communicate with my baby!

Of course there are some drawbacks to him knowing the he can communicate what he wants. The biggest one being that once he tells me he wants something he wants it RIGHT THEN! We are working on the concepts of waiting and not getting exactly what you want. As you can imagine it has been quite an adventure! I certainly have to pick my battles! For example: He will sign that he wants crackers all day long, and I have the fun task of convincing him that other food is a great option as well:)

Along with food signs he has learned a few for clothing signs (shoes, socks, hat, and coat), and that has lead to some funny moments. He is now sure that his job is to tell me what to put on and when. Some mornings I will go in to get him, and the first thing he does is sign for his hat or shoes or coat. Since I figure it is less detrimental to his health than the eating battle, I usually go along with it. Most days I manage to get a pair of pants on as well (Anyone know that sign?). The following are a few pictures of some of the outfits he has dressed himself in, including my coats which he enjoys much more than his own.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!

That's him under my beige coat, searching through his drawer for another coat because he kept tripping on mine!

In his full garb!

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day to you!


malibumoons said...

He is such a smartie! I gotta borrow that signing video from you. Sarah said it really worked for Zach too! We are having a bit of a problem communicating. Sounds like Jacob isn't. Love the pics!

Pace & Gwen said...

I love it! I assume it's Baby Signing Time you have - is it? Syd still loves it. I share your pain with the whole "you know what I want, I signed it, now GIVE IT TO ME". Her favorite is the more sign for any candy when she sees it. She is relentless, though. I have to distract her any way I can. :) Pants: brush your open hands against the legs of your pants. And Shorts (in case) is you show where your shorts end with your hands (like cutting them off).

J-Lo said...

Here's a link to my favorite ASL site...
It will come in handy when looking for those pesky words like 'pants.'
If you want a laugh, look up the sign for 'bear.'

Sheri N. said...

Too cool! Thanks for sharing. (I'd sign that if it was possible via blogging.) :)

Lacy Rane said...

He is so cute! We wish you guys were around to play! Any leads on a summer internship in Mesa??

jenn said...

Love it! We did the signing thing too..mainly for please, thank you, more etc. You should have seen them though..they say sometimes kiddos will make up their own. For 'thank you' Briggs swiped the side of his face (like the godfather) and Hadley rubbed her head, front to back (like a monkey). Oh well, whatever works, right? I need to get down there and see you guys... promise soon@!