24 October 2007

Better late than never...

We hope you enjoy our first post. This past weekend the City of Calabasas had a pumpkin festival and admission was free...so we were there. Highlights from the festival: (1) Mobile Marine Lab. These kind folks collect animals from local tidepools, let people explore and then return them to the ocean two days later; (2) The petting zoo. Tiff just had to get Jacob up close and personal with the billy goat, what a nostalgic moment; (3) Pumpkins. Just the right size for Jacob...and perfect as a backdrop for Jacob pics; (4) A whole booth devoted to pirate gear. (5) Free parking.

Other news and notes: We appreciated all of the calls and emails to check on us as the fires continue to burn in Southern California. We are safe and Joey has started back at school. Law school is going well and our house rule limiting legal references or comments about possible lawsuits remains in force. Tiff has been busy whipping up some sweet Halloween costumes for us. Jacob has been busy growing, cutting teeth, crawling like an iguana, napping, and saying "da-da" when the phone rings.


Aunt Diane said...

" posted by tiffany at 11:11 p.m." kinda late for a busy mom..be sure to get your much needed sleep..great blog!

Sheri N. said...

Cute Blog! Cant wait for the next entry.

Sean, Em and Milo Volk said...

Tiff!! I am so excited you started a blog! Now I can check in whenever I want! glad to hear you are safe - love, EM

Nicole said...

yea! i'm so excited i will get to have a peak at what's going on in your world! jacob is adorable...of course! i'm glad you guys are safe right now! where did you get the cute background from???

Mary Postert said...

Yea, you finally started a blog. Now I can quit buggin' you about it. It will be great to get updates on what you guys are up to. We sure do miss you here.

Noel said...

I LOVE IT! Jacob is cuter than ever. I can't wait for updates. No [local] pumpkin patch in Jacksonville...Walmart will have to do! Miss you!

J-Lo said...

What a great debut entry. I'm glad to hear that we're not the only ones with restrictions on home conversation. Our rules have more to do with not talking about rotting limbs and gruesome flesh wounds over dinner (baby steps).

I'm surprised to hear about the petting zoo. I guess history is doomed to repeat itself. However, it looks like Jacob faired slightly better than his mommy did at that age:)

Anonymous said...

Tiff, way cute pics of you guys, kinda sad that we didn't go to the the festival. Are you going to the Culinary Club tonight?

Great Grandma Quigley said...

Great pictures! I have a few questions..Was the starfish edible? Was Jacob trying to pull goatie? Did Jacob wanta Iguana? Did Jacob think he was Charlie Brown in pumpkin patch? Points to ponder..love GGQ

Tiffany Moore said...

looking cute.

Brady and Berta said...

I can't believe how big Jacob has gotten. I really like the pic of him eating his pumpkin. So Cute! We miss you guys.

Cory said...

What a flippin' cute family! :) Love you guys! Kerri and the Gang

Carol and Tyler said...

Love the fangs! Keep on drooling, Jacob, I've heard it keeps the goats at bay :)

Love you guys!

Pace & Gwen said...

He is so cute! I bet Joey loves that - "da-da" when the phone rings. Your posts (I have to tell you) are nostalgic. :) Also, is that giant lizard a monitor? I had one of those living in my house (a black-throat monitor!! HUGE! It was my brother's pet. I liked him, it was the other 2 gigantic, dog-like, fierce rhinoserous iguanas that I detested. They were MEAN. Crazy - you do anything for your family (at least you do while you're still single). Love ya!