17 December 2007

First Steps?

I used to think that a baby's first steps were an obvious milestone, so when I thought Jacob might be trying, I had the camera ready. However, it didn't turn out to be as obvious as I expected. Which event counted as the first? There were the attempts that started with him holding my hands and then biffing it when I let go. Then there was the time I was loading the dishwasher, looked up, and he was walking towards me. And let's not forget the over 20 times I tried to turn the camera on, only to find that he was suddenly more interested in the camera than his new found walking skills. So, whether this footage (from December 17th) is actually THE FIRST I can not guarantee, but I can tell you that when he wants to, Jacob can walk.

p.s. Enjoy the sound effects! Jacob comes up with those on his own.

16 December 2007

Holiday Cheer

If you would like to receive a hard copy of this card, please send a self addressed, stamped envelope to our address:)
One of our 2010 goals: mail Christmas cards!
For now we hope you enjoy our attempt at sending you our love.
To see a larger, more legible version, click on the image.

11 December 2007

Fostering Independence and Making a Mess

It seems that in the last few weeks Jacob has come up with all kinds of new tricks. I am sure it has something to do with exploring his world. Most of them are pretty harmless (and even cute) like insisting on turning books right side up before he "reads" them, banging a whisk on a bowl for several minutes at a time, bouncing up and down when he hears a beat he likes, and taking several steps on his own (video to come when I have Dad around to help me film...finals!). However, his recent explorations with food have proven to be a bit more messy. It started with him wanting to have his own spoon. He would hold it in his left hand and continue to grab the food and put it in his mouth with his right hand. It was pretty funny. It seems that in the last few days he has noticed that the big people not only have silverware, but also a bowl! I keep telling myself that soon he will realize that the big people leave their bowl on the table and eat their food rather than wear it! Until then, BOTTOMS UP!

As a side note, you might be seeing the cheesy grin he is displaying in the bottom picture quite a bit now. Since he saw one of his older friends say cheese and smile at the camera, he seems to have decided that this is the perfect face for photo-ops. The face comes along with a sound that I think is his attempt at 'cheese'. He clenches his teeth and blows air out of his mouth. Try it... sounds sort of like cheese. (Hey, you've got to give him credit for creativity:))

p.s. sorry for the sideways picture. I can't figure out how to rotate it. Please let me know if you know how.