Along with growling when he sees pictures of dinos, bears or lions and his love for any type of ball that he can throw or kick... *L loves cars. He and his brother are establishing quite the little Hot Wheels garage, befitting of their zip code: Bugatti Veyron, Lamborghini Murcielago, Ferrari F540, Ford Mustang GT, Barracuda, Land Rover, Fire Truck, and others. (Still no Aston Martin or Rolls Royce, but we'll find 'em.) Here is a clip of *L driving his cars in his high chair.
*j likes his electronics, much like his dad. Recently *j was recruited to accompany me on a "special mission" to long sought after iPhone. No more getting frustrated when he grabs his dads 4 year old Razor and trys rubbing his finger over the screen to scroll through the apps. Now he can be found playing the guitar, typing notes, deleting his dad's emails, popping bubble wrap, caring for Pedro (our goldfish), jamming to the CBS Sports theme song when he pulls up the March Madness app, playing the drums, reading the scriptures, using a compass to navigate his pirate ship, taking pictures or recording voice memos (for some reason he likes to say "tell Bugatti, when you know" - I'm sure he knows what that means, but I just think it sounds funny). *j is also scary good at navigating his way around and the Playhouse Disney website. Finally, in one of his funniest "boy" moments, while playing in the courtyourd of the dorm complex where we live, *j made his way behind some bushes, dropped his Disney/Pixar underoos and relieved himself! Gotta do what ya gotta do!