22 April 2008

Big News

Jacob (and Joey and I) have some exciting news to share.

07 April 2008

Juliard or Bust

We are not sure which Jacob loves more: making noise or making music. Fortunately for him those two things often come in the same package. Here are a few of our favorite clips of his music making over the past few weeks. (Wait 'till you see the dance moves he has developed! If only we could get him to ignore the video camera.)

p.s. Amy, thank you for the keyboard and books!

06 April 2008

Adjustable Waist

This post is partially an excuse to show off another cute picture of Jacob and partially one of those 'mom tips' I thought I would pass along. So, here is the picture:And here is the 'mom tip'. Since Jacob has been walking, I have noticed that his growth happens in two directions. For a little while his belly will seem to be filling out, and then a few weeks later all of that filler seems to spread out as he gets a little bit taller. It is quite a miracle to watch a baby grow! However, miraculous or not, it can be tricky to keep up with clothes that fit. For the past few weeks his short and pants have been in two different piles. One pile was for the fuller tummy/shorter legs days, and the other pile for thinner tummy/longer legs days. Then, I discovered the wonder of adjustable waist shorts and pants (like the ones Jacob has on in the above picture). They have elastic the can be adjusted on the inside of the waistband, so they can adapt to whatever kind of day it is. We love them! He can breath, and they will last for more than a couple of weeks! YEAH! Oh the simple pleasures of motherhood:)